
Jiangxi Copper

Project background: 

a workshop of Guixi smelter of Jiangxi Copper Industry has produced a high concentration of refractory waste liquid, mainly after silver precipitation excess liquid (30m?/d) , Silver Reduction Liquid (50m?/d) , copper precipitation silver waste liquid (80m?/d) , replacement of tellurium waste liquid (50m?/d) , the solution after silver precipitation (30m?/d) and the solution after silver reduction (50m?/d) belong to high salinity wastewater. We are entrusted to conduct pilot-scale experimental study to develop a new process suitable for this type of water treatment.

Project Location: 

Guixi, Jiangxi

Wastewater difficulties: 

high salinity, more than 10% of the salt; high COD, containing volatile formaldehyde substances; strong acidity, and a lot of sulfur dioxide

Project outcome: 

The Process of polymerization reaction pretreatment + low temperature vacuum evaporation + deep oxidation in Fenton was designed, the 2M3D pilot plant field test was carried out, the established target of scientific research project was achieved, and the evaluation and approval of Jiangxi Copper Research Institute was obtained, it provides a new technological route for the treatment of acidic, high-salt and high-COD wastewater in metal smelting process.

Shanghai Winner Environmental Technologies Co., Ltd

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Contact number:021-22819910

Contact Fax:021-22819636

Company address:Building 66, 1525 Minqiang Road, Songjiang, Shanghai

Shanghai Winner Environmental Technologies Co., Ltd          备案号: 沪ICP备05045558号-1  

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